Our Practitioners

Krista Stanley, PHD

Dr. Stanley is an Intuitive Medium practicing both Evidential and Trance Mediumship. She works as a field guide and teacher in the art of blending with Spirit. She received her Doctor of Philosophy in Wisdom Studies from Ubiquity University in 2019. Her dissertation is a theoretical exploration of trans-sense thinking; how we engage, co-creatively, with antithetical conscious capacities – specifically logic and intuition. Prompted by her dissertation research, she became a skilled Medium. She has studied with many outstanding international Mediums to develop the art of blending with the Field. She is both a practitioner and teacher. Also, Dr. Stanley teaches Robert Moss’s Active Dreamwork technique; for our dreaming consciousness is an accessible portal into the Field and a potent training tool to perceive information exchanges and apply them in our daily life. She participates in conferences and retreats, and teaches varying subjects related to this field of study. She is a contributing author to Quantum Psyche II: Quantum Psychoanalysis edited by G. Galli-Carminati and F. Carminati (2020).