Our Practitioners

Melanie Barnum

Melanie Barnum, CH, (Connecticut) is an international psychic and medium. She was the Keynote Speaker for INATS, The International New Age Trade Show for their 2022 year. INATS is the largest trade show of its nature in the U.S. Melanie is an international author who recently won the Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Gold Award for her latest Book, Intuition @ Work.  An intuitive counselor, life coach, reflexologist and hypnotist, she has been practicing professionally for over twenty years. Melanie enjoys helping others connect to their loved ones, discover their own greatness, and dive into their intuitive abilities through individual sessions, workshops, and mentoring.  Her 8 books have been translated into multiple languages and include “The Book of Psychic Symbols”, “The Steady Way to Greatness”, “Psychic Abilities for Beginners”, “Psychic Vision”, “Llewellyn’s Little Book of Psychic Development”, “Psychic Development Beyond Beginners”, all through Llewellyn Worldwide Publishers. Also, available are “Manifest Your Year” and her card deck, “Psychic Symbols Oracle Cards”.   Melanie’s ninth book, “Real Life Intuition” is scheduled to be released through Llewellyn in 2024.

 Visit MelanieBarnum.com