The Shungite Room

Did you know The Angel Cooperative has the first and only Shungite Room in the USA?

Shungite is a Precambrian carbonaceous natural stone estimated to be around two billion years old. It is black, shiny, and consists of a large quantity of carbon, sometimes up to 98 percent. It was first discovered in the Lake Onega region of Karelia, Russia, and the main deposit of the stone lies in the Zazhoginskoye field. The incredible shungite has been called the stone of life, a miracle, and a neutralizer of harmful energy. Along with its antibacterial qualities, it is the only natural mineral that contains fullerenes, which are powerful antioxidants that shield our bodies from free radicals. The scientists who discovered the carbon structure of shungite and the existence of fullerenes won a Noble Peace Prize in Chemistry in 1996.

How can you use this powerful stone in our daily lives? 

Along with using shungite to heal your body and spirit by reducing negative energy and geopathic stress, you can use the stone to purify and mineralize your drinking and bathing water. Consuming or bathing in shungite water can combat disease, improve chronic respiratory issues, headaches, and body-aches, promote healthy digestion, and alleviate skin-related problems such as inflammation and acne! After washing the stones to remove any debris and dirt, simply soak the stones in water for as long as desired to cleanse and energize it. Shungite is also scientifically proven to protect us from electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF) that surrounds us due to our phones, computers, and other electronic devices. By holding onto or being near shungite, you can reduce the EMF radiation that has become a hazard to our daily lives.

Have our ancestors utilized the medicinal benefits of shungite? 

Shungite use was first documented in the 18th century when Russian Emperor Peter the Great set up a spa in Karelia and purified water with shungite for the Russian army. Also in the 18th century, humans began using shungite to produce a pigment for black paint.

Are some forms of shungite more potent than others? 

There are three types of shungite based on the level of carbon within the stones: Type III, or what we know as regular shungite, contains 30 to 50 percent carbon; Type II, named Petrovsky shungite after Peter the Great, contains 50 to 70 percent carbon; Type I is known as noble or elite shungite and contains 90 to 98 percent carbon. Elite shungite is extremely rare, has a bright silvery surface, and possesses exceptionally high energetic potential.

If you own shungite, it is wise to clean the stones with warm water every so often and let them sit outside in direct sunlight for at least three hours. Cleansed and recharged, the stones are ready to be reused an unlimited amount of times! 

When you visit Angel Cooperative, come sit in our shungite healing room to experience the calming, purifying, grounding energy that shungite provides.


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