How To Use A Pendulum

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that is hung from a single chain or cord. It’s never made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. A pendulum works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense. The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, from your higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, you gain answers in response to questions – it is best suited to use to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Some people describe the way a pendulum works as being like bringing together the rational and intuitive sides of you (the left and right sides of your brain). When these two elements are brought together, you’re able to make decisions using all the sources, rather than just one of them. 

Pick the right crystal  You may have the "this is it" feeling the minute you lay eyes on a certain crystal, or it may take you a bit longer to connect with one. Even if two crystals might look similar in color, shape, and size, it does not mean that they will have the same energetic effect on you. Each stone has its own vibrational blueprint, so take the time to shop around for different types before you decide which one is perfect for you.  Focus on a crystal's color, shape, and size first rather than its healing properties. More often than not, the crystal you are drawn to visually possesses exactly the energy they need.  

Recharge its energy  Before you embark on having a go at using a pendulum, it’s advisable to cleanse it first and charge it with your own energy. The easiest way to cleanse your pendulum for dowsing is to put it on a windowsill in direct sunlight for a day, so it catches the rays of the sun. To charge it with your energy, hold the pendulum in your hands, closing your hands around it. Then spend a short time (5 to 15 minutes will be fine) sitting quietly, with your eyes closed, focusing your energy on your pendulum. If you’d like to, you can say a pray or ask your spirit guides or guardian angels for their support and guidance when using the pendulum.  

Set your intention  The power in this simple ritual resides in you, not the crystal. It’s important to hold the crystal in your hand. Sit quietly and breathe. Connect to your breath, your faith, the Earth that you live on, and the stone that you are touching. For some this is a time for prayer; for others it’s one to clear the mind and simply be. State what you want to manifest in your life. You can say this silently to yourself, but I've found that speaking it aloud creates a more powerful energy. 

How to use a Pendulum  When you're ready to start, sit with your pendulum held between the thumb and forefinger of one hand and run your other hand down the length of the pendulum chain or cord, bringing your hand to rest with the bottom tip of the pendulum in your upturned palm. The pendulum should now be completely still and you can move the hand away from the bottom of the pendulum. Ask your pendulum out loud or in your mind, ‘Show me YES.’ Take time to watch the response – it may only be minor at first, but this is normal, as it takes time to get to know how your pendulum interacts with you. Pause for a while, then try the same again asking for the pendulum to show you a NO response 

What Type of Questions Can I Ask the Pendulum? 

The pendulum responds better to questions where there are ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. When you’re starting out and practicing, try asking simple questions, like,’ Is today Tuesday?’, ‘Is my best friend’s name Laura?’ or ‘Do I live in Canada?’. This will help you get a better grip of how your pendulum responds and help you gain more confidence in using it. As you get more proficient, you can ask questions about decisions you’re making in your personal life, such as whether to get a certain type of car, whether you can trust someone or whether you’re eating healthy enough food. You can also try fun exercises, such as locating a castle, ruin or water on a map. Hold the pendulum over different parts of a map and see the responses. As you get more experienced, this method can also be used to locate lost people or animals. 


Cleansing & Using Crystals


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